Mile High Swappers Denver September Food Swap


September 18


11:00 am - 01:00 pm

Click to Register:

Mile High Swappers


Mary's House

Gilpin Street, Denver, CO 80218

Denver, CO, US, 80218

Join us for the Denver Mile High Swappers September food swap!

Join us for the Denver Mile High Swappers September food swap!

Come to Mary’s house in Denver at 11am with five or more of your amazing homemade, homegrown or homebrewed goods that you are prepared to part with – they can be all the same thing or a mix. 

You will have a chance to check out the products that other attendees have brought to swap, let them know you are interested in trading for their goodies by signing up on their bid sheets – and then the trading begins!  You can see who wants your amazing soup/jam/cookies/home brew and decide if it’s worth trading for their excellent compote/bread/infused oil/home-laid eggs.

You don’t have to take anything you don’t want and you definitely do not have to spend any money – cash is strictly forbidden.

You do have to come expecting a fun time. Samples are nice too!  

The only rule concerning what you bring to swap is that it must be homemade – if it’s organic, gluten-free,vegan, low-sugar etc. that’s great – just make sure you label it accordingly so you can easily find like-dieting people to swap with.

We will collect homegrown produce and commercially prepared non-perishable items to donate to a local food pantry at the swap – so bring an extra something along.

Visit our FAQ page at for more info on how this all goes down.

Simple goodness!